An Op-ed by Rita Kakati-Shah, read the full article here. (more…)...

Forbes: Five Tips To Maximize The Impact Of A Corporation’s Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Strategy
Shared from Forbes, written by Jennefer Witter. Original article here. As companies undertake DEI work, they must authentically fold in unity, empathy, and decency. (more…)...

Take the Lead: Be Uma: Founder, CEO, Author on Manifesting Your Success With Confidence
Shared from Take the Lead, written by Michele Weldon. Original article here. She has always liked moving fast. At seven years old, growing up in greater London, Rita Kakati-Shah told her physician father and zoologist mother (who was also a classically trained singer and dancer) that she intended to be…...

IndieReader: Advice from IR Approved Author Rita Kakati-Shah: “Always use your voice when you write.”
Shared from IndieReader, original article here. Following find an interview with author Rita Kakati-Shah. (more…)...

Prag News (English): Rita Kakati-Shah’s ‘The Goddess of Go-Getting’: A snapshot towards women empowerment
Shared from Prag News, original article here. Founder and CEO of Uma, Rita Kakati-Shah, has written a delineated story of her life in pursuit of how she has managed to stand into her identity throughout the most apparent ascending male-dominated career ladder. (more…)...

Prag News: নিউয়ৰ্কত ৰীতা কাকতি শ্বাহৰ সফলতাই সহস্ৰজনক কৰিছে অনুপ্ৰাণিত (Rita Kakati-Shah’s Success in New York Inspires Thousands)
Shared from Prag News. written by ByPritishri Bharadwaz. Original Assamese article here. ডিজিটেল ডেস্ক : নিউয়ৰ্কত ভাৰতৰ কনচুল জেনেৰেল ৰণধীৰ জয়ছোৱালে আন্তঃৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় নাৰী দিৱস উপলক্ষে বিশ্বব্যাপী সফলতা লাভ কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হোৱা ভাৰতীয় নাৰীৰ সাফল্য উদযাপনৰ বাবে এক বিশেষ অনুষ্ঠানৰ আয়োজন কৰে। অনুষ্ঠানটোৰ আৰম্ভণিতে বিভিন্ন বঁটা বিজয়ী ৱেষ্টছেলাৰ লেখিকা, তথা লিংগ…...

Romford Recorder: International Women’s Day – Hornchurch Businesswoman Publishes ‘Empowering’ Book to Motivate Women
Shared from Romford Recorder, written by Chantelle Billson. Original article here. A pioneering mother-of-two from Hornchurch will launch a motivational book on International Women’s Day. (more…)...

Shared from IndieReader, written by Amanda Ellison. Original review here. THE GODDESS OF GO-GETTING is a thought-provoking, useful and authentic handbook for all involved in the corporate world, covering themes that are highly topical and set to remain so for the foreseeable future. (more…)...

citybiz: Diversity and Inclusion Strategist Rita Kakati-Shah to Release The Goddess of Go-Getting on International Women’s Day, March 8th
Shared from Citybiz, original article here. Kakati-Shah, an award-winning bestselling author and entrepreneur, offers advice on building confidence, leadership, and success in the workplace and a path to building inclusive cultures. (more…)...

Northeast Today: Assam Woman Conferred With ‘US Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award’ for International Mentoring
Shared from Northeast Today, original article here. An award-winning, gender, diversity, inclusion and career strategist – Rita Kakati Shah has recently been conferred with the ‘Presidential Lifetime Achievement’ award by US President Joe Biden for her contribution along international mentoring & volunteering to support young people, women and minority communities…...