Mothers continue to leave workforce – what it costs companies and the way forward … Most companies looking to identify and analyze the major cost drivers in their labor force encounter the usual culprits – rising health care costs, competition for talent and wider benefit offerings. However, a trend that…...

This Father’s Day Give Dads the Gift of Pushing for Stress-Free Family Leave
It’s almost June 17th day and we at Uma want to wish all dads around the world a very happy Father’s Day… (more…)...

Unequal Pay and Inadequate Maternity Leave Policies Leave Female Workforce Vulnerable
April 10 was Equal Pay Day and at Uma, we certainly think it warranted a special celebration… (more…)...

Research Highlights Daunting Barriers for Moms Reentering Workforce: Here’s How Uma Can Help You Overcome!
Compelling new research shows that parents looking to reenter the work force after taking a break to raise children… (more…)...

Study Says Working Moms Are More Productive Than Colleagues Without Kids
Working mothers, take heart. You are actually more productive than your childless peers… (more…)...

Six Weeks Is Not Enough, but It’s a Start
There are only three countries in the entire world without mandatory paid maternity leave policies… (more…)...