No matter where in the world we are, from an early age we have been conditioned to “fit in”. And if we don’t, it is our fault. We have been trained to keep our personal lives completely separate from our professional lives, our views to ourselves, speak only when spoken…...

See Something. Say Something. Change Something.
5 Steps to Create a Genuinely Inclusive, Representative and Equitable Society (more…)...

Changing the Narrative: Women’s Influence is Good for the Global Economy
We often hear the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” These words are especially true of the work we do at Uma. We talk about empowering women and minorities and using our knowledge, experience and impact to change corporate culture. (more…)...

Gender Parity: Women’s Impact on the Economy
It was indeed an honour to give the keynote talk at the annual Assam Day UK function in Nottingham, on the importance for gender parity across cultures, societies and the global economy. (more…)...

How Supporting Fathers Can Move the Needle on Gender and Pay Equity
It’s not easy being a parent and as we gear up to celebrate all the fathers in our lives this weekend, let’s also remember the challenges they face… One in particular which starts right after a baby is born: living in a country that does not guarantee paid family leave…...

A Special Research Blog Honoring and Feting Moms in Recognition of Mother’s Day
It’s Mother’s Day, so here is a special blog not only honoring mothers but their contributions to their families and communities… Traditions for commemorating the holiday may vary from country-to-country. But whether in May or March, October or December, the day is marked on Islamic, Hindu, Hebrew and Gregorian calendars,…...

Changing the Narrative on Women’s Empowerment and Diversity in Paris
I recently had the honor and privilege of representing both the United States and the United Kingdom in front of an audience of international dignitaries and global thought leaders, in Paris, France… My first invitation was to speak at UNESCO about the importance of women’s influence and National Women Symbols.…...

Leading the Conversation on Women’s Empowerment and Diversity in Russia
Over the past month, I’ve had the honor and privilege to speak at two prominent Russian conferences… The prestigious Woman Who Matters Forum in Moscow, as well as the Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference in Sochi. It was a truly inspirational experience rubbing shoulders with and sitting alongside leaders of international companies…...

In Recognition of Mother’s Day: A Special Research Blog Honoring and Feting Moms
With Mother’s Day approaching, it seems fitting that we not only honor mothers but also reflect on the contributions they make to their families and communities… (more…)...

Is the US Letting its Workers Down When it Comes to Paid Family Leave?
In stark contrast to many developed nations, we live in a country that does not guarantee paid family leave… (more…)...