Shared from Formidable Woman Magazine, written by Jules Lavalee. Original cover story here. Rita Kakati-Shah is an award-winning, gender, diversity, inclusion and career strategist, speaker, author and advisor to Fortune 500 companies. (more…)...

Influential People News: Rita Kakati-Shah Founder and CEO of Uma, an International Strategy, Coaching and Training Platform that Empowers Confidence
Shared from Influential People News, cover story by Jules Lavalee, read original article here. Rita Kakati-Shah is an award-winning, gender, diversity, inclusion, and career strategist, speaker, author, and advisor to Fortune 500 companies. (more…)...

Entrepreneur, 18 Business Leaders on Creating an Inclusive and Equitable Society
Shared from Entrepreneur, written by Parveen Panwar. Original article here. These industry leaders outline how best to foster diversity and inclusion in company settings. (more…)...

Starter Story: How we Transitioned all Training and Coaching Sessions Online
Shared from Starter Story, written by Pat Walls, Founder of Starter Story. Original article here. (more…)...