Shared from Achievers' World, original article here. Rita Kakati-Shah is an award winning, gender, diversity, inclusion and career strategist, speaker, author and advisor to Fortune 500 companies. (more…)...

Written by Sammy D’Ambrosio. According to the American Psychological Association, “Women are more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety or depression, while men tend toward substance abuse or antisocial disorders”. Women “are more likely to internalize emotions, which typically results in withdrawal, loneliness and depression.” (more…)...

Greater Good Berkeley: How to Get Better at Achieving Your Goals
Shared from Greater Good Berkeley, written by Christine Carter. Original article here. ...

Rita Kakati-Shah of Uma: “Five things you can do to create a fantastic work culture”
Focus on your people. If you demonstrate that you truly understand them, care for their wellbeing, then you keep them happy, which eventually results in increased retention at your firm. Just getting to know your team is a good first start. An example is celebrating team members’ birthdays and hobbies.…...